Forma, Vol. 32 (Special Issue), pp. S3–S9, 2017


On Partnerships between High Schools and Universites for Mathematical Sciences Education

Yasuyuki Matsuura1,2* and Takayuki Hirata2

1Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
2Human and Artificial Intelligent Systems Course, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui, Japan
*E-mail address:

(Received March 30, 2017; Accepted April 21, 2017)

Abstract. It is understood that the number of students who come to dislike science and mathematics increases as students age. Classes that stimulate intellectual inquisitiveness and inquiring minds are important in order to increase the number of students who are interested in science, arithmetic, and mathematics. However, as globalization gathers speed for the international economy of the 21st century, it is of great necessity to continuously develop global human resources who possess communication skills, intercultural experiences, and mathematical ways of thinking. There is a compelling need for high schools and universities to develop and train global talent for employment opportunities in the government and companies. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the capabilities and conditions of global human resources and to propose such talents can be developed in both high schools and universities in Japan.

Keywords: Global, Mathematical Cooperative Education, High School, University, Japan, Thailand

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